Pet dog training classes and 1-2-1 training & behavioural solutions, based in Horsham
The hall used in our classes

Dogs Behaving Badly classes are an ideal way for you to train your puppy or your adult dog in a controlled, safe environment. Our courses only use positive and reward-based methods. We show owners how to train their dogs to do things because the dog really wants to, not because it is frightened not to. To help achieve this we use clicker training in all our classes, and every new owner will receive a free clicker on the first night.

Training in a classroom environment means your dog learns to focus on you with with the distraction of other dogs. Knowledge of how to achieve this focus will go a long way towards maintaining that focus when out with your dog and all the distractions the real world has to offer.

We run a variety of 6 week courses every Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday evening in central Horsham.

  • Puppy training and socialisation is for puppies are that 18 weeks and under at the start of the course. This ensures all the puppies in the class are of a similar age and development.
  • Beginners classes are for dogs 19 weeks and over. We get all sorts in this class from older puppies and adult dogs, to rescue dogs requiring training and socialisation.
  • Progression classes are for those having completed a Dogs Behaving Badly puppy or beginners course, but we do also accept dogs that have had similar training elsewhere.

Click on the links below for further details and information on how to register for a place on one of our courses.